💰Wise Lending

A DeFi liquidity market that allows users to supply crypto and start earning a variable APY from borrowers. Wise Lending excels at capital efficiency and yield optimization.

Wise Lending is a fully decentralized dApp built from scratch by our top quality dev team. It is the best place to earn passive yield on your crypto. There are no locks on your funds, and deposits can be borrowed against at will.

How do crypto lending dApps work?

Since there are no credit scores in the pseudo-anonymous crypto world, all loans must first be collateralized by depositing crypto assets. Many DeFi users deposit crypto assets they intend to hold long-term into a lending platform, in order to earn passive income from borrowers. The lender may then borrow against their own deposited funds (which can mitigate tax obligations), in order to make other investments or to double-down on their current positions. Deposits on lending platforms are able to be withdrawn whenever needed (funds aren't locked), and proof of reserves are straightforward, always available, and easily verifiable through on-chain analytics.

What's the significance of being Built from Scratch?

Many crypto lending platforms are simple forks (copy and pasted code from DeFi pioneers Aave or Compound), with the only additional contribution being that there is an extra token created and used to pad rewards on the platform. Wise Lending was built from the ground up and has many improved features over its predecessors. We achieve best-in-class APYs without needing to pad rewards with speculative tokens.

Special features on Wise Lending:

1) Best-in-Class APY for Lenders

Lending platforms typically offer low APY, because borrowers can't do much more than long or short the market, which doesn't create lots of demand, because it requires skill and it's risky. Wise Lending has interfaced yield sources into the platform, that borrowers can arbitrage against lending APY with a click of a button. No trading skills required! See Power Farms

2) Robust oracle safety system

Wise Lending does not take Chainlink price feeds at face value. Instead, we use the Uniswap TWAP as a sanity check. If either price feed deviates by more than 2.5% of each other, it triggers a freeze on that asset. During a freeze, lenders may unwind leverage, but may not borrow. This state continues for 30 minutes and repeats until the price feeds are once again within 2.5% of each other.

3) Lending Automated Scaling Algorithm: (LASA AI)

Our own on-chain AI that determines the APY in borrowing pools.

4) Positions collateralized as NFTs

Each user mints an NFT for their account when they first interact. This allows for transferrable positions, as well as modular features to be built on top of the base protocol, such as an options market.

5) Capped Liquidation Fees

Instead of percentage-based liquidations, fees are hard-capped at a profitable range, ensuring that liquidations are always incentivized, while protecting borrowers' capital from unnecessary excessive loss when liquidated.

6) Solely Deposit Mode

A feature that makes your deposits untouchable, even in the event of a catastrophic liquidity draining event on the platform. Solely deposit funds are deposited into separate siloed vaults, that cannot be touched by borrowers. This feature means forfeiting earnings from borrowers, but lenders using solely deposit mode may still borrow against their deposits.

Last updated