Security FAQ

Q: Is Wise Lending Safe to use?

A: Yes, our team is the best when it comes to contract security and design. Our smart contracts are holding hundreds of millions of dollars safely and have never been hacked or exploited since we began building in 2019. We have also repelled numerous DDOS attacks on our website, so we know what we are doing. Our apps are thoroughly tested and audited by a 3rd party. To further protect yourself from phishing scams, be sure to block new DMs on discord, never click on strange links, and always check the URL of the site you are on before connecting your Metamask wallet.

Q: Is Wise Lending Decentralized?

A: Yes! You will find that it is even more decentralized than many protocols who claim decentralization. Our smart contracts are not upgradable proxies and there are no admin functions that would allow us to access users funds or NFTs for any reason. Our contracts are truly decentralized, and any update would require us to re-deploy. We have spent a great deal of time getting things right on the contract level so we do not anticipate many re-deployments. Our tokens are also decentralized, without any ways the team could control or rug the community. DeFi Leaderboard

Q: Is Wise Lending Audited?

A: Yes they are! Please find our audits for LiquidNFTs here and for WISE staking here. Audits are always good to have, but we have found that even the best auditing firms in the world aren't as good as our own internal testing (we know our own code the best). There have been dozens of multi-million dollar hacks on audited smart contracts every year, and it's important to understand that auditing firms are just businesses. They have disclaimers on their work, they don't offer insurance protection on contracts they have audited, and they won't necessarily offer any additional protection whatsoever.

Last updated